I'm an indie game developing fox girl with a passion for immersive interactive experiences.
Hey there, I'm Foxa, or as you probably more likely know me as, Foxxy Games. I am an independent game developer, game designer, 3D artist, and animator who creates digital media. I've been creating digital media for several years now, and I am continuing to do so now, with one main goal: To create content that can truly immerse players in worlds like never before, showing them stories that hook them in and keep them invested, letting them meet characters who they can fall in love with or despise with all their might, and letting them experience a world that feels truly lived in. Whether it be through silly fangames such as Slendytubbies III R, or more serious titles such as my unannounced racing game, I strive to make all of my experiences feel unique, immersive, high quality, and innovative.
I hope you enjoy being able to dive into the worlds that I and others are capable of bringing you.


Just some random bits of additional info about me!