Hey everyone! Foxa back agaaain! Hope you guys are having an amazing day! Now, before we get straight into everything, I wanted to discuss something real quick...

I'm done! That's right! I'm completely finished up with my school work! At this point, I am now completely free to focus entirely on my passions of 3D Art and Game Development! Expect a lot more progress over the next few months, cuz sooo much more progress is gonna be made! But anyway, you probably don't care about that, so lets get to the real thing your here for...
...Lets take a looksie at the Art Calendar for July 1st 2023! Shall we?

Also, little bonus, the Task list is back! It was removed a while ago due to me, well, accidentally deleting the source file, and admittedly I forgot about it, but its back, and it looks better then ever!

As you can see, yes, indeed, your eyes aren't deceiving you, the Mainland is complete! As well as this, this month I will be working on finishing the Website Update v2.0, and finally publishing it for yall to see! You can also expect this month I will be working on the Sewer Environment, the Project Rise Storyboard, and also the setup for my Commissions/Patreon! How about we go over all of those in detail, shall we?

So yeah, the Mainland is currently considered done! There is some small minor tasks to do, but its mostly just residue tasks that can be done whenever, and will be done on the side as I focus on more important tasks, however, they aren't essential, and pretty much, the Mainland is done! I wish I could show you something, but due to me wanting to keep it a secret till the trailer, I won't show anything just yet, but I can assure you, it looks fucking amazing!

Currently, the site is coming along nice and well, and a good amount is done! I'm pretty happy with how its turning out, and I am excited to show you guys the site in its full state in the near future! New Pages, new info, new features, and more! And after this, even more will be added! Isn't that great? This is going to be my number 1 task for the next week, and my hope is to be able to finish it by July 8th, so while thats not a definite release date, that's when I'm anticipating you might be able to embrace the new website!

That's right, I'm continuing work on the new sewers! As of right now, I have only begun to really scratch the surface of what needs to be done, but a good amount of progress is being made. Hopefully you can anticipate to hear more on the 16th, where I will be detailing more about The Sewers and what they have in store, once I got some visuals to work with that aren't just blender screenshots, haha~

I am also beginning work on the Project Rise Storybaord, which is a process I anticipate will take a little bit, as there is a lot that is gonna go into this, however, I am gonna be working hard to try and get it done by September, if not August! I can't say too much yet again, due to spoilers, but it's gonna be pretty heccin cool!

That's right, I'm gonna be getting Commissions and my Patreon ready! You wanna support me? You maybe wanna pay me to make an environment for you? Well soon you will be able to! Commissions are aimed to arrive Late August, with a Patreon planned to be launched at the end of the month! On the 1st of August, I will detail my plans and describe everything going on! Stay tooned!

Lots of cool stuff to be worked on this month! While a lot of it 3wont be released till August, there will still be the Website Update v2.0 which you can expect, as well as the fact that Mainland is finally done! I'm very excited to share more, but for now, thanks for reading, I'll see yall all on the 16th with the next blog post! Byyyyye!