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Foxa Update - 3D Art Calendar!

Writer: Foxxy/JasmineFoxxy/Jasmine

Updated: Jul 2, 2023

Hey everyone!

Foxa here to give another update on everything going on with me! How about we just start off quickly with something I felt as though I should mention, since it is pretty important. So lets discuss that before we get onto the juicy stuff that your all here for! (aka, the 3D Art Calendar)

School Update

So first off, lets quickly go over school, since that is currently my highest priority. So right now, I have around 12 courses and 3 side activities left before I can graduate from High School. School ends on what is expected to be the 24th. One course takes me around a week or so to finish, so assuming I keep up with my work I could get three, maybe four courses done before the end of the semester, and the side activities I could potentially do by the end of the day. Originally I was hoping to have graduated by now, but later I realized there would be way more courses then originally expected, but I still could potentially graduate sometime in the later portion of Fall, but I also have me another idea in my mind.

I am hoping to potentially get these last 8-9 courses done during the summer instead of waiting for the fall to continue work. This means I wont have a summer vacation, but I will be able to start working on commissions sooner, focus more time on making tons of good portfolio art, and also work on my games more! Pretty cool am I right? Now I have the option of doing the work at home or going to summer school, though I will very likely just go with summer school so I can continue getting assistance and prevent myself from getting distracted.

Now don't worry, I'm not, at all, gonna take my focus off of my projects, you can continue to expect stuff from me while I work on school stuff, at most I might just end up taking a bit more then usual, but hopefully that wont be the case.

Assuming I take one week to get a course done, and I have 8-9 courses left like I estimate, I'll take around 8-9 weeks to finish High School. This could be wrong, but that is what I am expecting. I expect Summer School will start in early June, so assuming it starts the first full week of June, I could be done at the very end of July or very beginning of August! Again, these are just estimates, but that is what I am estimating as of right now. Whenever I end up graduating, I will post an update video before going off and doing a small private celebration with my friends!

So basically, I plan to do some summer school, which may cause me to be a bit slower with updates n what not, but hopefully I could get all my course work done by Late July-Mid August!

Now, lets get onto the juicier stuff...

3D Art Calendar!

So to explain, I have made me a Calendar in regards to my 3D Artwork and my plans for it! Its primarily to help me keep track of my work, and focus on specific tasks in regards to my portfolio work.

Here, have a peek!

This is what I am expecting over the course of the following months till I hit 18. Here's a little list of tasks as well so you can get a better idea overall on what I am gonna be working on over the following year:

Currently, I am working on both the Mainland Asset Overhaul, and the v2.0 Foxxy Games Website Update we speak. I am anticipating that the Asset overhaul will be done by sometime in June, with the v2.0 Update of the site expecting to be released sometime in July. Now this is just an estimate, could be sooner or later, but that is what the current estimate is at!

Now, there is the possibility of things being done faster then what is shown in the calendar, so, I thought I could go ahead and make an alternate estimation, just in case things were to indeed go faster, soooo here it is!

Now you may notice there are some extra goals here that weren't in the previous calendar. Why is that? There are stretch goals I have, in case I am able to get all my previous tasks quicker, which act as bonuses I can do afterwards as a little reward to myself for making such a good amount of progress on my 3D Artwork!

Now I think its time we talked about each task in detail, so that way you can know what to expect coming up! We'll start with the Environments, then we'll go over the characters, then we can discuss the cars, then finally the miscellaneous stuff, and then finally we can go over the stretch goals! Lets discuss each of them in detail!


So, we'll categorize each task as stated before. Everything is listed excluding the Slendytubbies III R Character Models, which have been grouped together as once thing on this list for simplicity sake. Here's everything I have planned for yall!

Game Environments

I am planning, and currently working on 3 environments, all of which are for Slendytubbies III R. Currently my main focus is on the Mainland, which is making steady progress. The other two levels have had progress made them, but I have paused work on them to focus solely on the Mainland. Once the Mainland is done, I will do the Sewers, and then Outpost MA-14. It is also possible I might make some more concept art for the potential multiplayer variation of the map but for now though, my focus is just on the Story Mode versions of these maps.

Mainland Asset Overhaul

Estimated Progress - 40%

The Mainland is my current focus at the moment, and it is decently far along, at least when it comes to the assets I have made for it. I still need to replace all of the previous assets with the new ones that are in the level, but that shouldn't be too hard. I plan on doing this once a good majority of the vegetation is done. Once this is all done, I will begin the process of replacing all the old assets and placing in the new ones.

The Sewers

Estimated Progress - 15%

I have begun working on the Blockout for the sewers already, and so far a decent amount of it is done. Some tiles still need the blocking out phase to be finished, but it is mostly done. Right now my focus is on getting the rest of the tiles dealt with and blocked out before I begin importing the models and getting those shenanigans done. Upon importing the Blockout models, I will begin to work on the lighting and blueprints for the level, all the while updating the models for the Sewer from blockouts to detailed models. Once all of the detailed models are done, they will be imported into the level, and the materials will be worked on. Once the materials are done, lighting and polishing on models will be done, after of which is the effects and particles, in addition to interaction and physics involved in the level.

Outpost MA-14

Estimated Progress - 5%

Originally, I would have said this level was around 15% complete, however, the original design for the building was based off an old cancelled horror game, but I eventually realized that those assets used in that game were Unity asset store assets. As a result, I had to redesign some of the building models. These redesigns are currently being planned, but I have sort of an idea on what I am gonna do.


Currently I am planning to model there characters, Foxa, Chibi Foxa, and the Base Teletubby Mesh. These will start work once the Environments are done. Chibi Foxa has yet to have more done then just conception and designing at the moment though.


Estimated Progress - 5%

Foxa is going to be completely remade, and also given some new changes. She currently has a very VERY basic body mesh, which was being used to test rigging, but that's just about it. She will be given a full body mesh which will have full rigging including face rigging, detailed fur, a tail, and more. She will also be given an outfit, which will feature a crop top, skirt, thigh highs, arm warmers, and some Crocs. She will be fully modeled, rigged, and then eventually plopped into Unreal Engine 4, where she will be given all of her materials for her fur, clothing, eyes, mouth, and any other materials she might need, before finally being given renders.

Chibi Foxa

Estimated Progress - 0%

Chibi Foxa is going to be a chibi version of Foxa that'll be fully modeled and rigged. Not to much can be said on her, but she will be able to be posed and will have her materials made in Unreal Engine.

Base Teletubby Model

Estimated Progress - 10%

In order to assist with making the characters for Slendytubbies III R, I am gonna be making a base model to help with modeling the rest of the characters. Currently, there is a very early WIP body and an early head which is being made. This model has had some decent progress made, but I have paused work to focus on the other tasks. When the model is finished, it'll be given basic animations and moved into Unreal, where it will be given it's materials. The model will be used to help make the rest of the models, and as well as this, will be used as a placeholder model for characters and also for the Test Tubby placeholder NPCs.


Currently, there are three vehicle models which are in the works. Two have began having the outer shells modeled, but its still unfinished as of right now. These models will feature a detailed exterior and interior, and will all have their materials made in Unreal Engine 4. These models will actually be made drivable in Unreal Engine, both in third and first person. They will have their doors, windows, hood, trunk, wheels, pedals, and more all animate as the player uses the car. More will be worked on when both the Environments and Characters are done. It should be noted that these models will be used for the currently unannounced project, Project White Sapphire. Foxa will also be piloting these vehicles as a placeholder, until eventually new models are made for drivers within Project White Sapphire.

Bowler EXR S

Estimated Progress - 10%

The car originally had a previous model, but it was scrapped before the interior was done. Currently, a decent amount of the shell is done, its mostly just the very front and most of the back that needs to be done. This will be the first car implemented into Unreal and made drivable. It should be noted that the Bowler EXR S will not only be used in Project White Sapphire, but also be used in a secret project at some point. The specifics of this project will not be revealed until the planning stages are complete.

Porsche Panamera Turbo 2017

Estimated Progress - 10%

This car has had its model worked on, but similar to the Bowler, only the Shell has some small progress made. Not a whole lot to say here.

Undecided Third Car

Estimated Progress - 0%

Currently a third car is planned to be worked on after the previous two cars are done. Currently the car that will be worked on specifically has not been yet decided, The current two cars that are being decided between are the Lamborghini Huracan LP 810-4 and the Mitshubishi Lancer Evolution X GSR. Whichever one is not chosen will be done as a stretch goal in the future. There are considerations on making this decision into a vote, but this is currently undecided.


These are tasks mostly meant for personal stuff, like site related materials. Most of this stuff will be worked on along side other tasks.

Website Update v2.0

Estimated Progress - 20%

Currently the site is having improvements being made, with the main page being decent overhauled, and banners being worked on, but there is still more that needs to be done.


Estimated Progress - 15%

Currently I am working on getting commissions prepared, mainly with setting up the prices, designing the commissions sheet, getting the payment method decided on and set up, ect ect. Currently I generally have an idea on everything, I just need to get more details on everything written down and of course get everything actually set up and usable.


Estimated Progress - 20%

Right now a Patreon account is being set up and is planned to be where I will allow people to support me. In return they will be able to get some early looks at stuff I am currently working on, along side potentially other benefits. This would mean stuff like banners, the payment method, figuring out plans for benefits which would be given to supporters, ect ect. I previously was working on this a while ago, but I did eventually stop. I'd need to look over it and get everything planned.

Portfolio Showcase Environment

Estimated Progress - 0%

This is going to be a showcase environment I am making intending to show off some of my works in a single photo/gif. It is going to consist of a road on a cliff side, with a vehicle parked on the side of said road. Standing next to this car would be Foxa, Chibi Foxa, and the base Teletubby model. Behind them, over the edge of the cliff, would be a large open horizon, with some mountains visible, along side a distant city. This will begin work once all of the environments, characters, and cars are done being modeled.

Updated Social Media

Estimated Progress - 0%

I plan on updating each of my socials one by one, giving them each a new profile picture and new banner, exclusive to that social, showing different environments I have made, with each profile picture being of Foxa with varying backdrops. It is possible that the banners may actually be changed, and instead will fit a certain game, depending on if any events occur in regards to that project.

Portfolio Materials + Presentation

Estimated Progress - 25%

Currently I am working on presenting my portfolio in a clean manner, a preview of this can actually be seen in the previous photos with that banner on the bottom! This mostly just includes designing the visuals vote notes on certain parts of the model previews.

Stretch Goals

These are all the goals that I will attempt to reach if the previous goals are met before April of 2024. Keep in mind that if these are not done, I will very likely get around to doing them, its just that these are what is currently planned. None of these have yet to begin work.

Unused Alternate Portfolio Environment

When designing the Portfolio image, I originally was considering on an alternate, which took place next to an abandoned building instead, however, I ultimately had to choose which one I wanted to do, the cliffside environment, or the abandoned environment, I decided upon the cliffside. If I can get everything done, I would love to do this environment, just with a different car and the characters in a different position, and maybe I could make this environment rainy even! We'll see!

Teletubby Character Models

Currently there are 5 teletubby characters the player will be able to interact with/play as in Slendytubbies III R's Prologue Demo, those being Guardian, Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa, and Po. As a result, I plan to model all 5 of them first, before then moving onto modeling their monster counterparts. Over the course of a period I will model all 5 of the characters, and their models will be revealed at some point with a cinematic trailer, as well as showing the monsters, whenever they are complete.

Previously Unchosen Fourth Car

Look up for Undecided Third Car for the details on this one.

Audi R8 GT Spyder Car

Not much to say here, just another vehicle I'd also like to model. This one will have an open top though, so it'll show character animations from the outside as well, which could be seen as notable.

S-10 1991 Car

Repeat from what was stated with the Audi R8, though this one will be a more older car, meaning its possible this car may have some differences compared to the previous models.

Wow... that's a lot.

There is indeed quite a lot I have planned, but I plan on accomplishing all of it, and potentially more-so by April 2024 to work as a good portfolio for future jobs! I apologize again for the amount of silence from me, with school and dev work taking up so much of my time, it gets a bit hard to manage it all. I will try my best to be a bit more talkative with stuff as time goes by! And I actually have a method for this. Every 1st and 16th of every month I will publish an update on the progress I have made on my projects! So this means you will see an updated version of that calendar, showing what months have gone by, the work that's finished, the current version of the road map, ect ect! Hopefully this will allow you guys to know what I am up to and what is currently in the works!

For now though, till then, I hope you guys wish me luck. Remember to stay frosty, love yourself, and most importantly and have a great day!




Site version: v3.1.1

©2025 by Foxxy Games.

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